Sunday, 16 October 2011

Flush Puppies: Product of the Week

“The Official Dog Doodie Bags Of Mother Earth!”

Picture from:
Flush Puppies poo bags are 100% hydro-biodegradable and flushable. Yes, really….flushable. Made from Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) – a water soluble, eco-friendly, “green” alternative to plastic – Flush Puppies are specifically made to dispose of doggie poo down the toilet. Unlike plastic bags or other “biodegradable” bags, Flush Puppies actually biodegrade in water.

The bags are 8” x 10” and can accommodate a dog up to 75lb, depending on what you feed your dog!

How bad can it be just to throw poop in the trash?
A few facts and figures on the impacts of dog poo in American landfills:
- There are estimated 44.8 million dogs in the US
- In a city of 100,000 people, or 43 square miles, dogs can generate about 2.5 tonnes of feces a day. That’s almost 2 million pounds a year
- Most of the poo ends up in plastic garbage bags, which can take up to 1,000 years to decompose in a landfill.

Friday, 14 October 2011

K9 Pet Blog: Fun Facts

"Did you know we dogs have been kept as pets for 12,000 years?"

Here are some fun dog facts for you to enjoy. Feel free to post your own below:
  • Dog nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints
  • The Basenji is the world's only barkless dog 
  • Dogs have sweat glands in their feet
  • People have been keeping dogs as pets for the past 12,000 years
  • Dogs are pack animals by nature. They need closeness, touching, and petting to be content and happy
  • The average dog has 42 permanent teeth in their mouth
  • Dalmations are completely white at birth
  • A puppy is born, deaf, blind and toothless
  • A Basset Hound is not able to swim
  • A dogs shoulder blades are unattached from the rest of its skeleton to allow for free movement when running
  • Chocolate, grapes and raisins are poisonous to your dog and should not be fed

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Dog Development

Image from

Dog World Records: Earliest Dog In Space

In 1957, the first dog was put into space. Laika, which means 'barker' in Russian, was put on board Sputnik 2 and pioneered the way into space travel. Unfortunately this shuttle was not designed to return to Earth and Laika died a few days after making it into the Guinness World Records.

Dog World Records: Oldest Dog Still Living

The oldest dog still alive was born in April 1985 in Japan, and is a male cross breed owned by Shigeo Nagai. In December 2010 Pusuke was 26 years old.

Dog World Records: Oldest Dog Ever

Bought as a puppy in 1910, Bluey the Australian Cattle Dog was owned by Les Hall of Rochester, Victoria, Australia. 
He worked amongst cattle and sheep for 20 years before being put to sleep on 14th November 1939 at the age of 29. 

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Starved Dog Jumps Out Of A Third Story Building Window

The dog that jumped out a third story building for food
After almost 2 months spent without food in an filthy and flea infested apartment in New Bedford, Massachusetts, a starved and frightened dog became desperate to eat that it jumped out of a third story window, injuring itself in the process.

The starving dog jumped in an apparant search for something to eat, animal control officials said. The dog who is a one year old female pit bull type dog, suffered from various injuries after the jump, including a broken hip and hind leg.
New Bedford Animal Control Officer Emmanuel Maciel said "the dog underwent surgery yesterday at a local veterniary hospital and is expected to make a full recovery."

Not only was the 1yr old pitbull left in the apartment, but they also found another dog, in which was a 4month old puppy which was also starving, is being treated at Cape Cod Veterinary Specialists and should both make a full recovery.
Maciel reminds pet owners to reach out for help when they are no longer able to look after there animals, "That's what we do. We know that times are tough and sometimes you may not be able to have food or water for your animal - but call us do the right thing don's just abandon them."

The property manager for the building in which the two dogs were found, said the previous tenant moved out about 2 months ago, but had no name or contact information to reach the individual. However officials are looking into this and are confident they will find who is responsible.

If you want to make a donation to help with the dogs recovery then click here

An abandoned dog waits 3 years for his owners return.

Image from:
After 3 years a lost dog called Dolly has finally found a new home, after being abandoned by her owner 3 years ago.
In Calera, Alabama an animal control officer by the name of Chris Smith managed to rescue Dolly at the intersection of US 31 and Alabama 25 finally after following her.

Dolly was a tan mixed breed dog, and was well known for walking Calera’s subdivision and Kensington Manor apartments.
Animal control officer Chris who found Dolly said “it felt good to be able to get her off the street and get her to a good home”.
After hearing Dollys history Chris Smith and his wife Carla decided to keep Dolly and give her a good home.

According to Smith, Dollys former owner lived in the Waterford subdivision, where Dolly had been seen wandering. The owners moved out and left Dolly behind when they were faced with foreclosure.
One of the neighbours of the Waterford subdivision said that “for three years she came back every week to the yard where she had been left”. Carla Smith the wife of the animal officer that rescued Dolly said, “she just knew in her heart they would return for her.”

Unfortuntely Dollys owners never returned and the Dolly finally left the Waterford area, wandering through Calera, where Smith eventually found her.

“We will never leave her,” Carla Smith said, “She is family.”

Dolly is being looked after and cared for now and being treated at Calera Animal Hospital for malnourishment and parasites after spending 3 years being uncared and unloved, however Dolly is expected to recover fully and live her life now loved. 

Monday, 3 October 2011

Dogmatic Headcollar: Leather

“The Dogmatic eliminates pulling and lunging with complete but gentle control.”

The New Luxurious Soft and Lined Leather Dogmatic Headcollar is specifically designed for ease of control and comfort to ensure the handler/owner and dog work together as a team.

Your dog will be more controllable, less excitable and will be safer and easier to train and walk regardless of its size!
Ease of control is also vital for people with strong, large or stubborn breeds.

Our unique Registered Design means it will not ride up, under or into the eyes which causes distress to your pet and as it is much more comfortably and securely fitted, it avoids any potential dangers for you or your dog.

The new Dogmatic Headcollar is made from top quality vegetable tanned leather, cut by hand and sewn by craftsmen.
The headcollar is fully lined, offering complete but gentle control.

-solid brass fittings
- traditional buckle fastening

The Dogmatic headcollar should be kept in good condition with a good quality glycerine based leather restorer and preserver on a regular basis.
The traditional buckle fastening is secure offering peace of mind.

Dogmatic Headcollar

The beauty of the Dogmatic is that its unique Registered Design means it will not ride up, under or into the eyes which causes distress to your pet and as it is much more comfortably and securely fitted, it avoids any potential dangers for you or your dog.

Your dog will be more controllable, less excitable and will be safer and easier to train and walk regardless of its size!
Ease of control is also vital for people with strong, large or stubborn breeds.
Dog walking will become much easier and the most common behavioural problems such as pulling, lunging etc, are eliminated when using the Dogmatic.
Less able bodied people will also find the Dogmatic invaluable as it enables you and your dog to enjoy each others company without any distress or discomfort.

The dogmatic should not be confused with a muzzle as it allows your dog to pant, eat, drink and carry a toy whilst wearing it and also has the added benefit of a calming influence!

The dogmatic is available in sizes to fit the majority of breeds and crossbreeds.
Whatever size or shape of dog, we feel sure we have a choice of Dogmatic headcollar to suit your needs!